Steven scouting Sweden. Episode 5
11 Nov 2016 13:00 - 01 Dec 2016 17:50Replay0 SEKRädda Steve´s fortsatta videokarriär. Se reprisen av hans nya, direktsända show.
Häng med engelsmannen Steve Babb i direktsändning under en händelserik vecka i november. Steve kommer att skärskåda svenska vanor och beteenden och ge dig en ny syn på vad som är typiskt svenskt. Steve Babb, numera boendes i Skellefteå, är videokreatören från norra London med hundratusentals följare på sin YouTube-kanal. Trots Steve´s popularitet kan han inte på långa vägar leva på sina gratisklipp på YouTube. Nu kan du se hans nya, livesända show exklusivt här och samtidigt bidra till att Steve kan fortsätta att leverera lustfyllda videoklipp, genom att betala blygsamma 29 kr per avsnitt (episod 1-4). Episod 5 är gratis.
79 SEK för repris av hela veckans program (ord. pris 116 kr). Registrera dig nu!
Make sure Steve can survive as a video creator. Follow the replay of his new show.
Join the Englishman Steve Babb live during an eventful week in November. Steve will expose himselves to Swedish habits and behaviors giving you a new perspective on what´s typically Swedish. Steve Babb, now living in the northen part of Sweden, is the video creator from Northen London who has hundreds of thousands of YouTube followers. Despite Steve's popularity, he can not make a living on his free YouTube channel. Now you can follow his new live show right here (and here only), while ensuring Steve's continuing video career by contributing with 3 Euro per episode or 8 Euro for the whole week (episode 1-4). Episode 5 is free!
- 03:44
Big Steve gets to try the Swedish Pizza Calskrove. A mixture between a calzone pizza and a Swedish hamburger meal "Skrovmål". Follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/BigSteveFromEng Like on Facebook: http://facebook.com/BigSteveFromEngland Website: http://www.bigstevefromengland.com/
00 - 06:49
Here is the 3rd part of 3 videos from dreamhack are you in any of my videos leave a comment ? PLEASE SHARE WITH SOMEONE WHO LOVES GAMING ! Don't forget to subscribe to my channel or follow me on PERISCOPE for some live steaming. bigstevefromeng MUSIC BY DJ GRUMBLE SOUNDCLOUD https://soundcloud.com/gbeats/spacestations SEND ME AN EMAIL steve@bigstevefromengland.com FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/BigSteveFromEngland INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/bigstevefromengland TWITTER http://twitter.com/bigstevefromeng SNAPCHAT bigstevefromeng acecrafterz https://www.youtube.com/user/AceCrafterz INTRO TUNE Philly Joseph - Think It Over www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFpq0U4qVVM
00 - 01:24
COMPETITION to enter the #GALAXYSTORIES competition with a chance to win your own YouTube production, go to www.galaxystories.com and submit your story. it can be clever, funny, sad or serious. After you have done that, link to your video in the comment section below for a chance to win a SAMSUNG GALAXY S5. yeah ill pick my favorite. competition is for Scandinavia only and runs until August 15th. LOOK OUT ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER FOR DETAILS Don't forget to subscribe to my channel or follow me on CHECK MY WEBSITE www.bigstevefromengland.com SEND ME AN EMAIL contact@bigstevefromengland.com FACEBOOK facebook.com/BigSteveFromEngland INSTAGRAM @bigstevefromengland TWITTER @bigstevefromeng Terms and conditions for winning the Samsung Galaxy S5 competition: http://goo.gl/ncXsBz
00 - 04:32
Nobody eats this fish in the UK why do the swedes love it ?All most at 100k subs i want to start this year off with new videos and a different out look .With you the fans what would you like to see ? subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFkj... check out Malvin studios channel https://www.youtube.com/user/malvinstudios Video filmed by Jonathan Långdahl SEND ME AN EMAIL FOR SPONSORSHIP OR A CHAT steve@bigstevefromengland.se PERISCOPE live steaming. bigstevefromeng MUSIC BY DJ GRUMBLE SOUNDCLOUD https://soundcloud.com/gbeats FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/BigSteveFromEngland INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/bigstevefromengland TWITTER http://twitter.com/bigstevefromeng SNAPCHAT bigstevefromeng TUMBLR bigstevefromeng INTRO TUNE Philly Joseph - Think It Over www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFpq0U4qVVM
00 - 04:15
Time to get some real help from my mate Hulk hogan from the BODY SHACK Milton keynes https://www.facebook.com/The-Body-Shack-01908590125-184475541614334/ Don't forget to subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFkj... SEND ME AN EMAIL steve@bigstevefromengland.se FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/BigSteveFromEngland INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/bigstevefromengland TWITTER http://twitter.com/bigstevefromeng MUSIC BY DJ GRUMBLE https://soundcloud.com/gbeats INTRO TUNE Philly Joseph - Think It Over www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFpq0U4qVVM