Swedish Space Food
Why do Swedes have every single dish in a tube? Are they preparing for a new life on the moon????
Can't wait for the beans on toast flavor though...!
Why do Swedes have every single dish in a tube? Are they preparing for a new life on the moon????
Can't wait for the beans on toast flavor though...!
11 years ago
Swedish people love kebab, especially something they call "Kebabrulle" or Kebab Roll. I thought I would test it and see if it is better then my English favorite Fish and Chips. ****DID YOU MISSED THAT I TRIED SNUS AGAIN?**** WATCH VIDEO HERE: http://youtu.be/42ze20JhRuQ FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/BigSteveFromEngland WEBSITE: http://www.bigstevefromengland.com/ INSTAGRAM: bigstevefromengland TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/bigstevefromeng FILMED BY SCENE94: https://www.facebook.com/Scene94 EDIT BY: Knights of the North
10 years ago
THE BEST JUNK FOOD EVER (KEBABRULLE ) Last time I had a kabab sandwich i had loads of comments saying it was not a real kababrulle ,so its time to find a real one . Don't forget to subscribe to my channel or follow me on Don't forget to subscribe to my channel or follow me on LAST WEEKS VIDEOS DOG VS SNUS bit.ly/1L5gVYx FROZEN bit.ly/1F2BxjK CONTACT steve@bigstevefromengland.com FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/BigSteveFromEngland INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/bigstevefromengland TWITTER http://twitter.com/bigstevefromeng INTRO TUNE Philly Joseph - Think It Over www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFpq0U4qVVM
11 years ago
SWEDEN VS ENGLAND FOOD , THE SWEDS LOVE TO EAT BREAKFAST AND ITS REALLY HEALTH UNTIL IT COMES TO THE PANCAKES .WATCH ME EATING AND TRYING TO SPEAK SWEDISH ! I HAVE NOT FORGOT THE SNUS VIDEO !!!!! EDIT BY SCENCE94 https://www.facebook.com/Scene94 FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/bigstevefrome.. INSTAGRAM: @bigstevefromengland TWITTER: @bigstevefromeng GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/1144908389015... VINE: @Big Steve LIKES @bigstevefromengland Music: PHILLY JOSEPH https://soundcloud.com/phillyjoseph
11 years ago
While in Bäckebol I met some of my fantastic fans. Thanks all for coming, Can't believe that my YouTube channel is almost 3 years old and it keeps growing thanks to you all. Thanks for your love, WHY NOT HOOK ME UP ON FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM AND TWITTER AND SNAPCHAT Don't forget to subscribe to my channel FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/BigSteveFromEngland INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/bigstevefromengland TWITTER http://twitter.com/bigstevefromeng CHECK MY WEBSITE www.bigstevefromengland.com OR SEND ME AN EMAIL contact@bigstevefromengland.com INTRO TUNE Philly Joseph - Think It Over www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFpq0U4qVVM PRODUCTION BY: Lucid Productions
12 years ago
EVERYBODY LOVES BURGERS BUT WHO HAS THE BEST ? FILM BY: http://scene94.se/ https://www.facebook.com/Scene94 FOLLOW ME ! FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/bigstevefrome... WEBSITE: http://www.bigstevefromengland.com INSTAGRAM: @bigstevefromengland TWITTER: @bigstevefromeng GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/1144908389015... VINE: @Big Steve Music: PHILLY JOSEPH https://soundcloud.com/phillyjoseph
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Okay, then I know!Read more