Thirsty Thursday number 6 - Nyponsoppa
Giving away this Thirsty Thursday to: http://www.youtube.com/princeword The youtube Gathering: http://youtu.be/y3f3yVl7lEo Water is good for a lot of things!!! facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bigstevefromengland twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bigstevefromeng instagram: bigstevefromengland
Big Steve's Thirsty Thursday #1 - O´boy
New drink tip every Friday! FACEBOOK: facebook.com/bigSteveFromEngland WEBSITE: http://www.bigstevefromengland.com/ INSTAGRAM: @bigstevefromengland
I went to a big flea market to buy stuff I don't need! On thursday you will see more of this market and also me getting my first ever summer job. FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/bigstevefromengland WEBSITE http://www.bigstevefromengland.com INSTAGRAM, TWITTER: @bigstevefromengland
Firsty Friday: Trying the classic reindeer coffee! JOIN THE CLUB: http://www.facebook.com/bigstevefromengland WEBSITE (where the magic happens):http://www.bigstevefromengland.com INSTAGRAM: @bigstevefromengland TWITTER: @bigstevefromeng GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/114490838901560091747
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Okay, then I know!Read more